Metal pole with attachment clamp; purple and white fabric flag with “funeral” printed on it. Length 37" pole.
Attached to motorized hearses in processions to the cemetery, these funeral flags stood about two to three feet high and later attached magnetically. Besides the lead vehicle, the end car typically has a flag and also may have hazards lights flashing to signify the procession’s end.

Sign, Traffic. Black-painted metal (sign, pole, & base); sign reads in silver letters: "Funeral No Parking." Height, L x W 36 ½," 5 1/4 x 9," sign face.
Funeral attendants monitor parking to arrange vehicles for the funeral procession to the cemetery. Also needed is obtaining advance permission to reserve public parking areas for large funerals that would be marked with a portable sidewalk stand sign such as this or other signs.

"Wedding and Funeral Music for the Organ," edited by E.A. Kraft. Philadelphia; Theodore Presser Co., 1921. Dark brick-red binding with black lettering and floral decoration. H x W 1' x 9 3/8."
Music in a funeral can bring the bereaved together in song, evoke the memory of the deceased individual, and signal emotion. Institutional in most churches, the organ incorporated a new design version during the 1920s: the mortuary pipe organ. Less expensive and smaller than the conventional reed organ, the mortuary pipe organ fell from favor after the 1930s.

Three -part folding cardboard; front - multicolored illustration of " The Last Supper" back - printed on center section an illustration of a building; copy reads (in part): "E. Paul Amos Funeral Home Phone 102 DeSoto, Kansas Hedrick 2116 Shawnee, Kansas." L x W 5 x 7" folded.
Handed out at a funeral, this hand fan folds inward on each side. Printed in Switzerland, it was distributed by a Chicago company to funeral parlors that added their own information printed such as the E. Paul Amos Funeral Home here that opened for business in Shawnee, Kansas, in 1946. Leonardo da Vinci painted the fifteenth-century mural “The Last Supper” depicting Jesus announcing to his 12 disciples that one would betray him.